Marley, a 2 year-old, spayed female, Rhodesian Ridgeback mix presented on September 16th for an open would on her chest due to a pygmy rattlesnake bite. Marley was taken to the ER on September 10th to be treated for the initial bite wound.
MLS Laser Therapy Case Study: Treatment of Infected Rattlesnake Bite Wound
Topics: Analgesic, Laser Therapy for Wound Healing, Tissue Regeneration, Veterinary, Laser Therapy, Laser Therapy for Veterinarians, Wound Healing
Why Choose MLS® Laser Therapy For Your Practice:
The innovative and patented Multiwave Locked System (MLS) Therapy Laser was developed in an effort to produce an efficient and simultaneous effect on pain, inflammation, and edema, exceeding the limits of traditional LLLT (low power) and concerns of HP (high power) laser therapy. Unlike early-generation Class IV technology, MLS Laser Therapy has the capability to deliver controlled laser energy. This unique feature provides more accurate therapeutic dose delivery, which means consistent and repeatable results.
Topics: Class IV Laser, Laser Therapy Benefits, MLS Laser Therapy, Anti-Inflammatory, Tissue Growth, Vascular Activity, Analgesic, Laser Therapy, Tissue Repair, Nerve Function
10 Benefits of MLS Laser Therapy for Veterinarians:
An energetic synergy is created when delivering these wavelengths that produces greater anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects than either can produce on its own, while minimizing the risk of thermal damage. It is this unique combination and synchronization of continuous and pulsed emissions that characterizes MLS and distinguishes it from other Class IV lasers.
Topics: Class IV Laser, Laser Therapy Benefits, MLS Laser Therapy, Anti-Inflammatory, Tissue Growth, Vascular Activity, Analgesic, Chiropractic, Chiropractor, Laser Therapy, Tissue Repair, Nerve Function